Friday, August 26, 2011

Dairy Queen Treat Day!

Blizzard me please?!?!

The annual Dairy Queen Treat Day just took place a few weeks ago! For every blizzard that was sold, some of the money went to Children's Miracle Network! I was at the door handing out informational pamphlets and encouraging everyone to get Blizzards! I had quite a few people stop and get blizzards even though they were not planning on it! One man even told me he was breaking his diet...yikes! I said they are only "5 calories" and for the children! The event was a lot of fun and a big thanks to Dairy Queen for giving back to local children and local hospitals! Every little bit counts, seriously! 


Kansas City Freedom Festival

So Fierce! 

This summer I attended the Kansas City Freedom Festival! I was able to meet and greet and talk to all the different vendors! I ate some real freedom food aka chicken fingers and fries! So with flair and big hair I greeted all the guests on the main stage! I talked about my journey and the opportunities Miss Greater Kansas City has given me! In addition, I introduced many bands and Mayor Sly James! He was such a friendly, nice guy! Also a shout out to my new friends Nick Mast and Amber Hicks! I met the kindest people at this festival and really enjoyed being a part of the weekend! Also, it was a lot of fun listening to Dionne Warwick- even though she didn't want a picture....? haha! 


Phillis Wheatley

Summer Days! 

  This summer I had the opportunity to volunteer at Phillis Wheatley Elementary School in KC! I'm so proud of my platform- YouthFriends and with their help, I was able to tutor at this school this summer! My platform means so much to me because I've been given the most wonderful opportunities in school and have met such awesome mentors who have helped me throughout my life. 
  The kids I tutored this summer were not excited to be sitting in a classroom all summer, so my personal goal was to just bring smiles to the classroom! School isn't as fun in the summer but it is so important that our generation keeps children excited about learning! WAHOO!


To a Lady and Her Children by Phillis Wheatley
O'erwhelming sorrow now demands my song:
From death the overwhelming sorrow sprung.
What flowing tears? What hearts with grief opprest?
What sighs on sighs heave the fond parent's breast?
The brother weeps, the hapless sisters join
Th' increasing woe, and swell the crystal brine;
The poor, who once his gen'rous bounty fed,
Droop, and bewail their benefactor dead.
In death the friend, the kind companion lies,
And in one death what various comfort dies!
Th' unhappy mother sees the sanguine rill
Forget to flow, and nature's wheels stand still,
But see from earth his spirit far remov'd,
And know no grief recalls your best-belov'd:
He, upon pinions swifter than the wind,
Has left mortality's sad scenes behind
For joys to this terrestrial state unknown,
And glories richer than the monarch's crown.
Of virtue's steady course the prize behold!

What blissful wonders to his mind unfold!
But of celestial joys I sing in vain:
Attempt not, muse, the too advent'rous strain.

No more in briny show'rs, ye friends around,
Or bathe his clay, or waste them on the ground:
Still do you weep, still wish for his return?
How cruel thus to wish, and thus to mourn?
No more for him the streams of sorrow pour,
But haste to join him on the heav'nly shore,
On harps of gold to tune immortal lays,
And to your God immortal anthems raise.

Italian Fest


Right before I left for Miss Missouri I had the opportunity to appear at the Kansas City Italian festival! When I lived in Wisconsin, this was always a family event! My family and I  loved going to Festa Italiana every summer!  So now that I represent Kansas City, the festival was a lot of fun! This was definitely a social appearance with a ton of awesome italians and such yummy food (which I received all free)! During the festival, my sister-queen Alexis Albright and I danced on stage and had a blast roaming the festival! The event was a success and I'm so happy we were able to attend! 

"Vivi e lascia vivere"

Live and Let Live.


Miss Missouri

                                                               Quinn and I!

Sydney Friar! 

                                                                Jessica Arl, my roommate!
                                                                    Miss Missouri 2011

                                                   My little sister Ashley and I at the parade!

   It has been far to long that I've blogged and I'm so sorry! When I reflect on my Miss Missouri experience, I have nothing but positive memories! From the very beginning I met a life-long friend,  Quinn Dennis! We were partners for the golf tournament and since then we have remained good friends! Such a warm and positive person who was truly a blessing during the pageant! As the days continued, the experience was one I would never forget! For the first three days, we did a lot of dancing, and a lot more dancing! I was averaging about 6 hours a night of sleep, which just was not cutting it! In between rehearsals, we would have meals and appearances as a group! So much laughter and crazy times! 
  My roommate was Jessica Arl and we had a lot of good laughs and chats at night! She was quite the diva and the perfect Miss Missouri roommate! 
  We started prelims on Tuesday, interview day!  I loved interview and speaking with all the judges about my experiences and life!  Wednesday I competed in Evening Wear and On-stage question.  I loved my evening gown and on-stage question always gives me a run for my money.   Thursday was my talent! I wasn't the happiest about my talent, but this experience was all about learning and gaining insight about the pageant world! Friday night was the best! I just had to strut my stuff in a swimsuit! Easy enough, huh? It was a lot of fun, and quite a liberating experience.  I give all the ladies credit for being so FIERCE and sassy! 
  Saturday was one busy and hectic day! In the morning we were in a parade in Mexico and from there we went to lunch and then show-time! Saturday night was so crazy!  It all happened so fast, and I couldn't be more honored to know Sydney Friar, Miss Missouri 2011! Sydney has the warmest heart and a contagious spirit! She is truly the greatest representation of Missouri and America! I hope from this blogging you were able to grasp why the Miss America system does such a wonderful job enlightening young women and gives awesome scholarships to incredible people! 

Thank you to all the people who supported me and helped me before and during my Miss Missouri experience! I couldn't be more thrilled to know such wonderful people! I love you all! 


Monday, May 30, 2011

Hannah Cole School Talk

Hannah Cole invited me to speak to the kindergarden class as well as the 1st and 2nd grade classes about respect and being a great classmate, friend, student and child.   It was awesome! The kids were so responsive and we had great conversation and discussion.  After we talked, laughed and talked some more, I had the opportunity to  present students with all sorts of school awards.  Some were for perfect attendance, others for being a respectful child everyday.  It was a great trip and the kids were so cute.  I received to many hugs, and crown touching and the kids were awesome!

Thank you Hannah Cole!

Ashley's Birthday!

On May 19, Ashley, my little sister celebrated her tenth birthday! Double digits.  Ashley invited me to Mexico for dinner at the Elk's, a local spot and then back to her house for presents, cake, and a movie! Ashley and I always have a great time together and she received some awesome arts supplies for her and I to do arts and crafts! Ashley also received a karaoke machine- wow, I'm excited! 

Happy Birthday to the best little sister ever! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Red- Mango Fundraiser

Last Thursday, I teamed up with Red Mango to support the Children's Miracle Network.  It was so much fun and very successful! It turned out to be such a nice day out and I was in the Columbia Red Mango for about 5-6 hours.  I was talking with people, thanking them for their support and eating great frozen yogurt! Red Mango gave 20% of the receipts to Children's Miracle Network which was awesome! A big thanks to Brittany, and all the other Red Mango staff! Another big thanks to all my friends and supporters who came to Red Mango, I love you! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Meet Ashley

I would like everyone to know and meet my little sister, Ashley Fuller! I have been so blessed to have been paired with such an AMAZING girl!  She lives in Mexico Missouri, and enjoys a lot of sports and she loves to hunt!  She is quite the jokster and is so intelligent.  Last week we went to dinner and we were there for over 2 hours, because Ashley is by no means dull.  We were meant to be together, based on the simple fact that we can both talk for hours.  Ashley and I have a lot in common and we are looking forward to a lot of fun adventures together including our Girls Sleepover next weekend, summer swims and so much more! I could not be more thrilled to have the Fullers as my second family!

Easter Fun!

On Sunday, my lovely director Angie gave Alexis and I the opportunity to be apart of a fun Easter party! I had the opportunity to to decorate lots of confetti cookies and just have a fun time.  Kids are truly the greatest gift from God.  We took pictures with the Bunny, children, and just had a fun time! Fun days with my wonderful Sister Queen are the best! We made great cookies and had cotton candy!!!! After this Angie ( my director) Celia- KC board member and former contestant, and Miss KC Teen Megan and I went shopping! So much fun and such great purchases!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Greater Kansas City Day

This was such a fun filled day.  Alexis, Kari and myself had an awesome time with Kansas City celebrities!   We boarded a trolly at dawn, I of course had my coffee in hand.  We were so fortunate to be with such a fun energetic group.  Chief players, Royals players, announcers, and the 3 queens.  We stopped traffic with our fierce poses, asking people to support children's camps by selling newspapers and I had a blast giving away blue Krispy Kremes!!!! I enjoyed shouting, "0 calories" because when you are supporting a good cause the joy you see for these kids will wipe any calorie count away!

After we finished raising money, we had a nice brunch with all the celebrities.  Bobby Bell, a Chief's Hall of Fame player was such a hoot.  He had all of us laughing the whole day and we each received special Booby Bell lip balm- cherry flavored.  Fun times, great friends, great people- coming together for memories and leaving with so much more!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dance Dance Dance

Not only do I love dancing at any given time when the music is right, but I love dancing with my SISTER QUEEN, Alexis Albright! Alexis and I had the opportunity to Dance for hours to raise money for Children's Miracle Network.  There were all sorts of themes to the dance day and it was a lot of laughs and sweat!  We were fortunate enough to be on Cody's Crumpers, yes that was our team name! It was awesome to see so many students come out and dance for the 10 hour experience!



Thursday, March 31, 2011


Over Spring Break, although I was not on a beach, I was able to spend quality time with my mom and with the Miss Greater KC organization.  My mom came for orientation and then went on a four day adventure in 3 states with me to look for the perfect dress.  The laughs, the tears, and all the fun food we ate was definitely worth spending much of my spring break in the car.  I'm so blessed to have a mother who supports and loves me so much.  She does anything she can to help me and she is an incredible woman.  

In addition to having a wonderful mother, I can not thank my director Angie Young, for being the most outstanding director.  At the very beginning of this journey she was ready to dive in right there with me.   Every question, concern, freak out moment thus far she has been there!  This year has been so worthwhile because of Angie supporting me and laughing with me!

Finally, another warm blessing that came into my life right when I needed her, Shannon West.  Shannon West my dance coach is soft-spoken and spunky, calm and vibrant, from her dance skills to her crazy tattoos.   Every dance practice is an opportunity to not only better my dance skills, and my number for Miss Mo. but most importantly I have had the opportunity to build a new friendship! Shannon is so patient and kind and truly loves the arts and that's what makes her such an amazing teacher!

Thank you Lord for the blessings you have granted me with thus far. 

I love this song and it resinates with this passage!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friday Night Mentoring

On Friday I was fortunate enough to team up with AAUW- American Association for University Women, for a mentoring program.  AAUW a Mizzou organization that I'm involved in gave young ladies in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade the opportunity to come out for a p.j. party.  I was given the opportunity to talk to the girls about the importance of confident and the importance of loving herself for who she is.  It was so much fun as Miss Greater KC, but also as an AAUW member to talk about my platform and a topic I feel strongly about! The young ladies seemed to really enjoy it, and I'm so happy for the success of the new program!

"Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit"

~E.E. Cummings

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people giving some of their time, can make history" ~Peace Pilgrim

So great to see so many people come out and support the Children's Miracle Network!  National Pancake day was so much fun! My day started with an interview with Y 107.7 and then some classy yet sassy meet and greet! I continued my day with serving pancakes and then becoming the I-HOP hostess for quite some time! I met some wonderful workers and had a blast taking pictures, talking to people, and having fun with the community while supporting a great cause.  By the end of it all, I had a wonderful I HOP meal with my roommates and best friends Ariel and Alexa! I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by people who support me and the causes I'm advocating!

"Live and work to make a difference, to make things better, even the smallest things.  Give full consideration to the rights and interests of others.  No business is successful, even if it flourishes , in a society that does not care for or about its people."

                                                              ~Eugene C. Dorsey

Keep Smiling!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Journey to Becoming Miss Greater KC

This is all happening....

Carolyn Cianciolo here and I'm a sophomore at the University of Missouri studying journalism and theatre! I was born and raised in Wisconsin, yes I'm a Packers fan!  I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family and remarkable people in my life.  I cannot express the excitement I hold to be a part of the great Kansas City community.  I'm so humbled by the experience and I look forward to an exceptional year!