Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Greater Kansas City Day

This was such a fun filled day.  Alexis, Kari and myself had an awesome time with Kansas City celebrities!   We boarded a trolly at dawn, I of course had my coffee in hand.  We were so fortunate to be with such a fun energetic group.  Chief players, Royals players, announcers, and the 3 queens.  We stopped traffic with our fierce poses, asking people to support children's camps by selling newspapers and I had a blast giving away blue Krispy Kremes!!!! I enjoyed shouting, "0 calories" because when you are supporting a good cause the joy you see for these kids will wipe any calorie count away!

After we finished raising money, we had a nice brunch with all the celebrities.  Bobby Bell, a Chief's Hall of Fame player was such a hoot.  He had all of us laughing the whole day and we each received special Booby Bell lip balm- cherry flavored.  Fun times, great friends, great people- coming together for memories and leaving with so much more!


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